The Duke of Skibbington

Hello and welcome to my website! I am the Duke of Skibbington, the lord of a land that does not exist. I'm really a student that lives in Sydney, Australia. I am a much devoted student and I put great effort into my studies. In my free time, however, I enjoy writing Avatar fanfiction and affiliating with those who do likewise. I also like rambling about my views, be it political, social or simply a matter of tea and coffee. Believe me, it's more fun than it sounds. Well, sounds fun to me, not sure about you.

I would say I'm not good with words, but that would be total rubbish. A certain man (let us call him, 'Ego') tells me I am the best writer in the world... I see no reason to doubt his words, after all, his name carried on from Greek to Latin with no change in meaning.

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If you wish to contact me, please use my personal email and I shall be sure to reply as quickly as possible. If you have any comments you want me to add, email me with the title of the page as the subject and then your message.

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